
The Easiest Part to Write


This book is dedicated to the staff, students, and community of the Turing School of Software & Design. I’m not sure how much longer I would have travelled through my tech journey wondering exactly where I belonged. Thank you for changing lives, and allowing me to have a part.


To everyone who has allowed me to share insight and thoughts with them in a coaching or mentoring capacity. To those who have put up with me trying to find the right words to convey these thoughts along the way.

To Ken. Your death awoke something in me that I chased and found and struggled with and conquered and made my own. Wish you were around. RIP.

To my wife and kids. For putting up with all of my late-night interviewing, mentoring sessions, accommodating as many students as I could squeeze into my schedule. The goal with this book is to have more free time with you. I love you more than applesauce.