Writing Conventions

Writing Conventions Used Within the Book

Most text is written as needed in plain, *bold or italics to add emphasis. Occasionally I’ll add additional notes like the following:

This is what I’d consider a “pro tip” or trick or something especially helpful that I felt was worth highlighting.

Sometimes I want to highlight general information like this.

Off-hand notes will appear like this. You probably won’t see many of these.

I will typically reserve this “warning” tag for very important notices that you must be aware of. Please don’t take these lightly.

On occasion within the text, I will use a “blockquote” area to share an anecdote or story related to the topic, or to emphasize a single point.

The important point I’m trying to convey, or the stories or anecdotes I share will appear like this within the book. Stories will not include anyone’s real name unless I mark that I have done so with their permission.