A Family Man, Maker, Teacher

First and Foremost, a Family Man

I currently live in Colorado with my wife and children. We’re all nerdy about something.

I got involved in technology when I was 8 years old. My wife could tell you everything about Star Trek. My kids could recite every bit of trivia about Minecraft. My kids and I run a local CoderDojo group which teaches STEM classes to other kids.

My family have been extremely patient over the last 5+ years as I spent countless hours coaching others on technical career topics. That work has led to this book.

I’m very motivated to help others. That’s a story for another time.

I’ll always be grateful to my family for allowing me the freedom to help others.

A Maker and Teacher

I love taking things apart to see how they work. I enjoy creating new things. I love puzzles and mysteries.

I can’t wait to teach something new that I have learned. The danger is teaching something I have not yet fully learned. But I can’t help the excitement that comes when I learn a topic, apply it, and find success. It’s almost a need to share it with others.

I was a volunteer mentor for The Turing School of Software & Design for a period of three years when they finally asked “Do you just want a job here?”. Easiest decision ever.